Do you want to help improve local soil structure and fertility while minimizing food waste? By letting us take your compost off your hands, you're promoting a Greener Mountain state. Your food scraps are brought back to our farm in Danville, VT to become rich fertilizer for the pastures of our 5th generation family farm.
Contact us if you want a customized plan to better fit your needs
While checking out make sure your shipping address is the address you want the bucket delivered to.
We are currently only serving the Danville, Lyndonville, Peacham, St. Johnsbury and Wheelock areas.
On designated pickup days we ask that you please set out your buckets where they're easily seen from the road/driveway. This way we are sure to see it and can replace it with a fresh clean one for you. End of the driveway or by the mailbox is preferable.
Step 1: Choose a subscription plan to be added to our compost route, and we'll deliver a 5 gallon- FTC compost bucket to your residence.
Step 2: Fill your bucket with any of the approved compostable materials listed at the bottom of this page. (Scroll Down)
Step 3: Set out your filled bucket on the scheduled pickup day and we'll replace it with a clean one!
Every time you throw organic materials into the trash, you're disposing of beneficial nutrients while increasing the amount of fossil fuels used to process your waste in industrial land fills. At Four Town Composting, we will put your food waste to work helping instead of harming our environment.
The nutrients from your food scraps will:
Improve the soil structure to prevent nutrient run off into local water sources
Increase the rate of carbon sequestration into the soil through healthy plant photosynthesis
Replace our need for commercial chemical fertilizers
Nourish our pastures and hay fields to enhance the positive impact our grass-fed beef program
Composting with us also benefits our local wildlife. Since the state of Vermont banned food waste in garbage, incidents of human-wildlife confrontations have increased. Nuisance bear reports/sightings went up 40% from June 2019 to June 2020 due to at-home composting in Vermont towns. Letting us take your food waste reduces the attraction of bears, skunks, raccoons, opossums, etc to your property, which is safer for both you and the animals.